What's new in Product Manager for Magento 2.0.1 (June 15, 2017)


New features

Performance improvement

The software is more reactive when selecting a category in the category tree or clicking a tab in the product grid.

Bug fixes

Flashing images

It could happen that images started flashing in the grid. The CPU usage would went up and the software would eventually crash.


Fix paste shortcut not working

On Mac OS X, paste shortcut could stop working in text edit after adding images in the product editor.

Fix Regressions in the bridge file generated by version 2.0.0

 The bridge file generated by version 2.0.0 has several bugs:

  1. - Error when uploading an image that already exists on the server ("class Varien_File_Uploader not found") (Magento 1)
  2. - Admin values duplicated to the store view with id 1(Magento 1)
  3. - PHP exception when reindexing configurable products (Magento 2)


You'll be prompted to generate a new bridge file if you use a bridge file generated by version 2.0.0. You'll have to generate a new PHP file and upload it on the server.

Bridge files generated by version 1.5.0 and below are not affected by these bugs.