How to update Product Manager for Magento
Start the updater
Version 1.4.x - 2.1.x
A message box is displayed when a new version is released. Click "Update now" to launch the updater:
Version 1.3.1 preview xx
The software update detection was broken in Product Manager 1.3.1 preview 16 (up to 1.3.1 preview 29). The "new version available" message doesn't appear. You must run the updater manually.
Windows XP
Find the "Product Manager for Magento" folder in the Windows Start Menu and click "update":
Windows 7
Find the "Product Manager for Magento" folder in the Windows Start Menu and click "update":
Windows 10
Find the "Product Manager for Magento" folder in the Windows Start Menu and click "update":
Mac OS X
Open the finder and go to "/Applications/Product Manager for Magento".
Double click "uninstall" to launch the updater:
Update the software
Select "Update components" in the updater (selected by default on Windows) and click "Next":
Click "Next":
Click "Update":
The updater downloads the new version:
The updater installs the new version:
Click "Finish" to exit the updater:
Run Product Manager for Magento
Start Product Manager for Magento. The software displays the release notes. Click OK to close the dialog:
The connection window is displayed. You can click "Options >>" to see more options:
Check "Use secure connection (HTTPS)" if you want to connect in HTTPS. Click Connect to connect to the website:
If the bridge file is too old, you have to update it with a newer version. Click "Run configuration wizard":
Click Next:
You can add pre-production servers (click "Add pre-production server").Click Next:
Ente username and password. Click Next:
Click "Browse" button:
Select a location for the new bridge file:
Click Next:
Click Finish:
Don't forget to upload the new bridge file on the servers.