How to update prices in Magento with Product Manager for Magento

Changing prices in Product Manager for Magento is easy and straightforward thanks to the powerful grid. All price attributes are displayed in the grid and you can edit them directly in the grid.

This page includes detailed information for performing the following tasks.

Edit price in the grid

Filter and sort products by price

Bulk price update by copy and paste in the grid 

Bulk price update with the price changer tool

Edit price in the product editor

Edit price in the grid

To edit price, double click in a cell, type the price and click outside the cell to finish price editing.

You can also select a cell and type directly the new price. Press Enter to finish editing.The cursor moves to the cell below and you can start typing a new price.

You can press Cancel anytime to cancel price editing.


Filter and sort products by price

 You can filter products by price. You can set a minimum price and a maximum price:

 You can click the arrow on the right of the column header to change the sort order (ascending or descending):


Bulk price update by copy and paste in the grid

You can use copy and paste price to update multiple products at once.

Select a cell and copy the price (Ctrl+C):

Select the cells to update and paste (Ctrl+V).


Bulk price update with the price changer tool

You can easily bulk update product prices with the Price Changer Tool. You can add or substract a fixed amount or a percentage.



You can open the tool by clicking Tools > Price Changer Tool in the menu. and choose the operation you want to apply: Add or substract percentage or Add or substract fixed amount.

Here's an example to show you how to increase pricing by 5%. Select prices in the grid, Set Operation to Add or substract percentage, set the percentage value and the rounding method and  .



Click Add button to update the prices. The prices of selected products are increased by 5%  (calculation details for the first product:  92 + 5% = 96.60  => 96.99 after rounding to nearest .99)




Edit price in product editor

You can also edit prices in the product editor. Double click the product image in the grid to open the product editor.

If the site runs on Magento 1, price is displayed in the "Price" tab: 

If the site runs on Magento 2, price is displayed in the "Product Details" tab: